Take students on an exciting journey through the history of cars. This pack contains worksheets and activities to help your students begin their research. The QR codes and links to websites will help guide them to sequencing events with the car timeline and students will enjoy completing the dioramas to display their findings.
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This easy-to-use packet includes:
Then and Now Venn Diagram
6 x Then and Now Colour Timeline Images
Sequencing familiar objects and events timeline: cars with answer sheet and cut and paste images
How cars have changed over time flipbook
4 x Comparing cars from the past recording sheets with 4 x answer sheets
7 x Information sheets on cars from the 1920s - 1970s with website links and QR codes and website links
2 x Cars of the future worksheet
2 x Communicating family stories worksheets to send home
1 x Then and Now Interview a family member worksheet to send home
7 x colouring pages on each decade of cars from 1920 - 1970
Diorama research display foldable (one for each year)
Long Ago and Today / Then and Now Social Studies History of Cars
File Info
PDF 52 pages
ACARA Alignment
Year 1 HASS
- how places change and how they can be cared for by different groups including First Nations Australians (AC9HS1K04)
- continuity and change between aspects of their daily lives and their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods (AC9HS1K02)
Year 2 HASS
- how technological developments changed people’s lives at home, and in the ways they worked, travelled and communicated (AC9HS2K02)
Year 3 HASS
- causes and effects of changes to the local community, and how people who may be from diverse backgrounds have contributed to these changes (AC9HS3K01)