These play dough mats are perfect for developing fine motor skills. Included in this pack are shape mats for circle, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, oval, star, heart, hexagon, octagon, with and without word options. Perfect for your math centers each morning.
Save 30% on all my Shape Activities by purchasing the 2D and 3D Shape Bundle
Playdough Mats / Play Dough Mats / Playdoh Mats
Included in this pack are:
With words:
Full-sized play dough mats – black and white
Full-sized play dough mats - colour
Half-sized play dough mats – black and white
Half-sized play dough mats – colour
Without words:
Full-sized play dough mats – black and white
Full-sized play dough mats - colour
Half-sized play dough mats – black and white
Half-sized play dough mats - colour
Play Dough Shape Mats
File Info
PDF 72 pages
ACARA Alignment
Foundation Year Maths:
using subitising as the basis for ordering and comparing collections of numbers