The fairy tale story of Red Riding Hood is a fun and simple story for students to follow. Perfect for early years students, the story involves sequencing events and exploring character traits, giving students opportunities to build their literacy skills with fun and engaging activities.
SAVE 30% by buying ALL of my other Fairy Tale Literacy Resources in 1 Bundle!
This easy-to-use pack contains:
Story Sheets
Readers' Theatre Sheets
Sentence Strips
Character Profile Sheets
Character Traits Activities
Character Masks
Character Stick Puppets
Retell Story Sheet
Sequence the Story
Story Comprehension Sheets
Story Sequence with keywords
Colouring sheet
Red Riding Hood Literacy Activities
ACARA Alignment
Foundation Year English
Understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430)
Understand concepts about print and screen, including how books, film and simple digital texts work, and know some features of print, for example directionality (ACELA1433)
Explore the different contribution of words and images to meaning in stories and informative texts (ACELA1786)
Recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students’ own experiences (ACELT1575)
Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators (ACELT1577)
Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts (ACELT1783)
Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578)
Retell familiar literary texts through performance, use of illustrations and images (ACELT1580)
Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650)
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