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These teen number PowerPoints are a great addition to your Kindergarten or First Grade math activities. Included in this pack are 80 slides with place value mats, ten frames and array objects you can use with your whole class to practise counting and writing numbers 11 - 20. After each question slide, you will find an answer slide.


Note: to allow students to write on a PowerPoint slide you cannot use it in presentation mode - just keep it in the standard view.


Included in this pack are the following PowerPoints products:

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Place Value MAB Blocks

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Place Value Popsicle Sticks

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Real Photographs

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Ten Frames Buses

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Ten Frames Dragons

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Ten Frames Llama

• Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Ten Frames Unicorn

SAVE 30% Teen Number PowerPoint Counting Bundle

  • File Info

    8 PowerPoint with 20 slides each. Non editable.

  • ACARA Alignment

    Foundation Year

    • Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001)
    • Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond (ACMNA002)
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