Teaching the four seasons has never been easier! This pack contains seasonal posters and activities for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres - so you can tailor this product to suit your students' needs easily. The range of activities will help you introduce terms and assess your students' understanding of what the seasons are and how we know there have been changes in the seasons.
This easy-to-use pack includes:
- Names Posters (Northern & Southern Hemispheres)
- Trees Posters and cut and paste activity
- Spinners: symbols, clothes & trees (in colour & black and white)
- Sorting cards for sorting by summer, winter, spring or autumn/fall
- Dress Me dolls and clothes
- Worksheets (cut & paste plus drawing and labelling)
- Recording the weather activity
- Teacher instructions for each activity
Four Seasons Dress Up Dolls, Activities and Worksheets for Clothing and Weather
File Info
PDF 66 pages
ACARA Alignment
Foundation Year - Earth and Space Sciences
describe daily and seasonal changes in the environment and explore how these changes affect everyday life (AC9S1U02)