Help your classroom to run smoothly with clear and visual rules taught explicitly during the first week of school. Perfect for Kindergarten or First Grade, these visual reminders will help students to stay on-task in the classroom, working safely in their centers and playgrounds during the school year.
This bundle contains:
These classroom rules posters work as visual reminders to help your students make good choices in the classroom and are perfect for kindergarten or first grade students. Place the posters around key areas of your room such as doors, windows and areas where children sit, to prompt students to follow the rules and expectations of the classroom and keep your classroom running smoothly.
• Classroom Rules Posters Centers (Contains sets for the terms 'center', 'centre' and 'groups')
These center posters work as visual reminders to help your students work in centers safely and correctly. Place the posters around key areas of your classroom where centers are undertaken to prompt students to do the right thing and keep your classroom running smoothly. Perfect for first grade or second grade literacy or math centers.
Posters come in large and small sizes and both UK (centres), US (center) spellings and the term 'groups'
• Classroom Rules Posters The Playground
These playground rules posters work as visual reminders to help your students play safely in the playground. Place the posters around key areas of your playground such as slides, waiting areas, seating and other areas to prompt students to do the right thing and keep your playground running smoothly. Posters come in large and small sizes.
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